Tuesday, February 26, 2013


My late grandfather was an armchair palmist. When I was a kid, on my mom's persistence he would always take my right hand to try predict my future, and I would sit, dreamy eyed, listening to him, though I thought he was lousy at the whole palmistry thing, big time.I don't remember much, but my mom always decided enough was enough when he started predicting every time without fail that I would have multiple marriages.

Now when I come to think about it, I realise maybe he wasn't that bad at it as I thought he was.I really do have a thing for women who are taken. Now, that is common all right, But there's a catch somewhere I'm not sure of. That is worrying. But inherently I know there are many, many like me, if they are being honest with themselves!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Nick Vujicic

" I love life. You know so many people come and say, How come you smile so much? And I'm like, well , it's a long story. " ( grins )

It has been difficult 8 months. A lot of self introspection, getting back a few good habits after four undergraduate years is what it has all been about. Waiting so long to get started with your professional career is an un-envious situation to be in though. But I'm a lot calmer now.

I realised how unthankful I've been after watching this clip. Of course it's not the first motivational piece I've come across, but I felt I should post this here just for me to refer back. We are all blessed, there is no such thing as optimism and pessimism in daily life, a friend of mine once said, he was right, it's much more than daily life. We have to lead our life as it comes, get into phases, come out of phases and be thankful and smile. Disappointments , Success mean something, but we're too insignificant in this universe individually to think it's beyond that. It's like Joseph Heller pointed out in his satirical War novel Catch-22 about a man's reflection moments before his death -- " In the end it's all about a city and a woman."